Friday, November 4, 2011


In my picture I used many different things to create it. There is a narrative purpose for this photo. By looking at this you can tell there is a story behind this photo. The story is the girl is all alone in the world and she has no one. She is feeling hurt, upset and unloved. I used 3 Elements of Art to help more develope the story. They are color, line, and value. Color, I chose a monochromatic color scheme, blue to show she is sad. I used red lines to show that she is hurting inside. I also used value on her, to make it seem like she is non-existent. Then I used 3 principles of art. They are movement, emphasis, and variety. I used movement on her and the red lines. She is walking away by herself beacuse no one cares for her. The lines look like they are striking because it shows her pain. Emphasis is on her because she is the main point of the picture. Variety, is the use of color to show hurt and that she is all alone.